Free Footer Toolbars for Your Website

Toolbars are becoming more and more popular on websites. As website owners we like to spice-up our sites with more interactive features.  Net giants like Facebook, Cnet use toolbars to boost their user activities using footer toolbars. So why don’t we do the same. Here is few toolbars you can add to your website or blog in less than 10 minutes.

Meebo Toolbar

  • Visitors can chat with their Facebook, Yahoo friends right from the blog or website.
  • Easy to use share button for popular social media websites
  • Easy to integrate on various blogging platform and other CMS
  • Well designed bar
Get Meebo Toolbar for Free

Wibiya Toolbar

  • Visitors can post message directly on your Facebook fan page using Wibiya
  • Included so many new apps.
  • User donation for your website or blog using paypal application
  • Cool toolbar button designs
  • Content timeline with image representation of your RSS feeds
  • Translation app using Google translate
  • Digg real time button and much more
Get Wibiya Toolbar

Add This Toolbar

  • Loads faster comparing to other footer bars
  • Personalized Addthis products
  • Compatible all the popular browsers
Get Add this Toolbar

Simply register for free in any of these sites and get your free toolbar today. Its easy, simple and most of all it's free.

Posted by x-treme on 4:58 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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